Buying a car safely in Spain


In the following article, we are going to explain the most important steps that anyone has to take in order to buy a car in Spain  safely. That is, what should be done before buying a car.

Steps to follow when buying a car in Spain.

Many times, most of our clients, motivated by rushing, the desire to release a new car or out of necessity, do not attend to the truly important and necessary things when buying a vehicle. This means that the operation is not 100% safe. We leave you the steps to buy safely.

 Go to trustworthy  websites

On many occasions, when a client hires us to claim a scam, we realize that the car ad is no longer available or that it was seen on a web page of dubious reliability or that it no longer exists.

The first step to safely buying a car in Spain or another country, is always search for vehicles on the best-known websites that offer more seriousness.

Talk at least by phone with the seller

Another important aspect, and to which many people do not give importance, is the deal with the seller. We have to try that, in addition to email or WhatsApp, conversations with vendors are also carried out by phone.

This allows us to verify that there is really a real person behind the offer, with a phone that works and that can also give us clues, related to the identity of the seller. For example, where he is from (accent), age, whether or not it corresponds to the holder of the documentation, if you answer calls regularly or only when you want, if you are always on the street or in closed places (offices, dealerships… ).

Ask for detailed information

If possible, and as long as the seller accepts, it is very positive to have videos of the car, inside and outside, and also running.

Check documentation

This is the most important point that concerns the purchase of a car. We should NEVER buy a vehicle without first checking the documentation. In Spain we are lucky, that through the registration of the vehicle, you can request a traffic report that tells us if you have pending charges, embargoes, fines, who is the owner, MOT…

The picaresque manages to get photos of the documentation of other cars, so if we can also get a video of the documentation it is very positive, because it indicates that he really has it in his possession.

Make contract or purchase invoice

Logically, once the negotiation is finished, and if possible always before paying for the vehicle, we must have some document that proves that purchase, either a contract or a purchase invoice

Secure payment

Today, the safest way to pay to buy a car in Spain and in any country is a bank transfer, from the buyer’s bank account to the seller’s bank account.

If you need help to solve a problem derived from the purchase of your vehicle, or a claim, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Servicio Legal precompra

Con el objeto de ir mejorando nuestros servicios, poder atender a nuestros clientes lo mejor posible antes de proceder a la compra de un vehículo,

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 


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